We've partnered with designer Fedor Sosnin (/u/Fuze911) to bring the entire line of SiCK board designs to you!
The SiCK-60 could really use a companion... this little numpad should be the perfect addition to your 60% keyboard!
Designed to be as low cost as possible, “SiCK” stands for Super, Inexpensive, Cheap, Keyboard. The result is a great keyboard that is functional, good looking, as well as fully customizable with the help of EasyAVR or similar software. It's the perfect mixture of a compact design and a functional layout. If you like the sound of that, let the fun begin!
To complete your build, you will need:
- 1N4148 Diodes (20)
- Costar Stabilizers (1 x 6.25u, 3 x 2u)
- Microcontroller - Teensy 2.0 or Pro Micro
- 6-32x 1/2” Flat Head, Countersunk, Machine Screw (12) (We have these on order, but shipping has been delayed due to the pandemic. We hope to have them before June.)
- Self Adhesive Rubber Feet (4)
- Switches (20)
- Keycaps
Check out the full details and build in the original SiCK-68 post on Thingiverse.
Check out the SiCK-PAD on Thingiverse.